Wednesday 22 December 2010

All done! Bring on the festivities!

Well, that's it. Pretty much all done. Food, presents, wrapping, done! The only thing that remains is to pick the turkey & ham up from the butchers. Although I came over all funny when the butcher told me how much the turkey was. Lord above REALLY?? Can one bird really cost that much? Has it been massaged and face-packed and fed from a silver spoon all it's short little life? Has it had a big fluffy bed to rest it's little head? Has it had counselling to bring it to terms with the fact that it will be nestling itself in my oven on the 25th? I think not. So I tell you, it had better taste like small fairies are dancing sparkles all over my tongue for that price, otherwise I will be proper miffed.

I do wish my Christmas spirit hadn't deserted me though, I feel about as Christmassy as July **bah humbug** This is so unlike me too, this is my favourite time of the year normally but I am so flat and just generally 'blah'. I need my spirit back, PLEASE! I am usually as excited as the kids, (if not more so) but *sigh* it's not so this year and this makes me sad. But I am really really trying not to show the kids and let it rub off on them and I am being my usually daft self and will no doubt, have regained my tinsel wearing, Christmassy'ness by the time the Big Man in Red arrives! Methinks a Baileys and The Polar Express might inject some festive cheer into my tired bones. If that doesn't do it, then nothing will!

The boys are ridiculously excited though and they are, as I type, trying to kill one another with the empty wrapping paper tubes, stuffed either end with dishcloths. Apparently they are 'Ninjas'..... hmmm. I am wondering do I stop them now, or wait for the inevitable fall out? Pah, I shall leave them to it, they seem happy enough..... Oh wait...

1 comment:

  1. Fake it! It'll soon become real. Though Polar Express and Bailey's should do it, no problem.
