Tuesday 4 January 2011

Flu. Proper, real, bona-fide Flu.

and I have it

and it sucks


It started on the 28th, with an itchy throat and a spiky temperature, but nothing major and I thought it was just the tail end of a cold I had had before Christmas, but then it hit me full on. Truly truly I have never, ever, in my life felt so poorly. My temperature was 103, and I was a coughing, stomach cramping, up-chucking, trotting, sore throat'y, aching, dizzy, sweating, delirious mess. Niiice.
I have had flu before and said then I never ever wanted to feel that bad again, but I got it again and badly. I even had a moment where I was half asleep with a high temp and semi-dreaming that there was a chinese takeaway on my bedside table!! I was truly convinced there was curry, rice and prawn crackers on there and couldn't quite work out where it had gone when I properly woke up. Weird....

It is only today, the 4th, that I have begun to feel a tiny bit better and I think that's got a lot to do with the fact I am dosed up to the eyeballs on Day Nurse. Jeez, that stuff ROCKS. Cold & Flu capsules ain't got nothing on this chunky bottle of fabness. I am floating around on a cloud of haziness with no pain, whatsoever. It tastes, like, AWFUL, and it is this thick, viscous, yellow liquid that sticks to the inside of your mouth and takes some getting down, but it works! It does make you a bit 'duhhh, what, sorry, who', but hey, that's usually me on a good day anyway! The Night Nurse like a dream too - pardon the pun! Although it un-nerves me slightly that you can buy something so potently 'knock out' over the counter. I took it last night at 8pm and I had to be dragged out of bed at 8 this morning by The Bloke who was off to work. I had slept through the usual din of everyone getting up and ready for school and work. That is some serious stuff!

I had thought that Oscar was getting it too and his temp shot up to 104 (ERK!) but it subsided after 24 hours thank goodness. Liam has decamped to my Mum's for the duration though, he didn't have his flu jab until yesterday and because of the Pulmonary Hypertension, he is classed as extremely high risk so that's the last thing he needs! Although I am now panicking that he has picked it up before I knew I had it and when I was contagious. I am missing him heaps but he says he doesn't want to come home because he is being spoilt rotten over there *rolls eyes*. He says he is going to come and wave at me through the window later though, just in case I forget what he looks like. Daft boy.

I am feeling slightly more human today. Although the tiredness, cough and sore throat are still hideous, at least I can get out of bed and move about, rather than whimpering in a rather pathetic manner even when I just had to get out of bed to drag myself to the toilet, then spending half an hour shivering when I got back into bed *urggh the horrors*

I hear people all the time moaning that they have 'the flu', and yet are going about their normal everyday business with the odd sniff and sneeze, and I have been guilty of that in the past. I was told that to tell the difference between the common cold and the flu is to ask yourself this; If you can see a suitcase of money lying in the road outside what would you do? If you had a common cold you would quite happily run out and get it. If you had the flu, then you just couldn't, no matter how much you wanted to......


  1. You are right, people whinge about colds and they aren't flu. With flu you can't get your head off the pillow and need help to go to the loo. Why can't people accept that they can have a really bad cold, but it isn't actual flu? It makes me so cross!

    Try the capsules instead of the liquid. Much easier, and works out cheaper, too. Were you hungover on the Night Nurse? That's my problem with it.

  2. are you over the flu yet Mrs?! :p
