Friday 24 December 2010

And so they sleep.....

It is 10pm on Christmas Eve and two of my beautiful boys are sleeping soundly. The mince pie, carrots, oats and milk are waiting for the Big Man in Red to arrive. I am just waiting for the eldest to heave his ass to bed so I can put the presents out. I am so excited! I have told Regan that he isn't allowed to get up before 7am *mean Mummy* but I think I'll be lying awake waiting for them to get up.

so, the veggies are prepped for tomorrow, the dinosaur... sorry turkey... is stuffed and ready for the oven, the pigs in blankets have been wrapped and the bread sauce is waiting in the fridge. My parents are here, it is freezing outdoors, but we are cosy and warm so all is well with the world.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and I hope Father Christmas brings you everything you have wished for xxx

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Claire hope you all have a fantastic day and Santa brings you lots of lovely pressies!! Sounds lovely there lol :D I have warned my mum that I wont be at all impressed with a wake up earlier than 8 hahaha! Jacquie xxx
